Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Trimester

There wasn't any nausea or discomfort in the beginning. In fact, I noticed that my appettite had grew. I was delighted, thinking that I was one of those fortunate ones to not have 'morning sickness'.

This took a turn at week 6. Nausea & vomitting kicks in. I lost my appettite. I began to be very sensitive to certain smell & food. I'm losing weight. Despite having no appettite, I had to eat, even a little.

This lasted till I reached week 13/14. The 1st trimester was really tough. At that moment, I had thoughts like why do I have to go through such things, why did I get myself into this... Looking back, I felt so silly. Hee....

Oh one thing, I had to thank my mother-in-law for taking leave to take care of me a few days, during the time I had to be home resting. Also, my sis, EW, my mum & sis eunice for making time to help get food for me during that period. Of coz not forgetting Pin... He had to specially rush back during lunchtime to get food for me & to spend some time with me. I really appreciate so much!!!

Thank God for carrying me through & for bringing providing the help when I most needed!

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